Massage enhances general health. Therapeutic massage can be an important component of your health maintenance or wellness plan. It helps keep the body and mind functioning optimally.
Promotes well nourished and healthy skin
Improves circulation of blood and lymph
Relaxes muscles and improves joint mobility
Encourages general relaxation
Improves immune system functioning
Improves energy flow
Alleviates Problem Conditions: Massage can help relieve certain common physical problems and help bring the body back to optimal functioning.
General muscular tensions and aches
Tension headaches
Muscular back pain
Poor circulation
Stress and anxiety
Support Your Fitness or Sports Program: Massage can be an important adjunct to a fitness or sports program, helping you to achieve your performance goals with minimum injury and pain.
Relieves tired and sore muscles
Helps improve flexibility
Relaxes tight muscles
Speeds recovery from strenuous physical exertion
Reduces the anxiety of athletic competition
Combats the Negative Effects of Ageing: Massage is effective in combating he negative effect of ageing noticed in the middle to late years of life. It helps keep the body tissues and basic functions in a more youthful state.
Enhances tissue elasticity and joint flexibility
Improves blood and lymph circulation
Promotes healthy vibrant skin
Improves immune system functioning
Relieves muscle aches and stiffness
Relieves the effects of Stress: Therapeutic Massage helps balance the effects of stress in our lives, and avoid stress-related disease and dysfunction.
Triggers the relaxation response
Relaxes tense muscles
Reduces anxiety level
Normalizes blocked energy flow
Improves immune system functioning
Restores a calm mind and feeling of well being